Hypatia from the Egyptian desert tagged posts

Extraterrestrial Stone Brings first Supernova Clues to Earth

Samples of the extraterrestrial Hypatia stone next to a small coin.

New chemistry ‘forensics’ indicate that the stone named Hypatia from the Egyptian desert could be the first tangible evidence found on Earth of a supernova typeIa explosion. These rare supernovas are some of the most energetic events in the universe.

This is the conclusion from a new study published in the journal Icarus, by Jan Kramers, Georgy Belyanin and Hartmut Winkler of the University of Johannesburg, and others.

Since 2013, Belyanin and Kramers have discovered a series of highly unusual chemistry clues in a small fragment of the Hypatia Stone.

In the new research, they eliminate ‘cosmic suspects’ for the origin of the stone in a painstaking process...

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