ice planets tagged posts

Making Nanodiamonds out of Bottle Plastic

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In the experiment, a thin sheet of simple PET plastic was shot at with a laser. The strong laser flashes that hit the foil-like material sample briefly heated it up to 6000 degrees Celsius and thus generated a shock wave that compressed the matter to millions of times the atmospheric pressure for a few nanoseconds. The scientists were able to determine that tiny diamonds, so-called nanodiamonds, formed under the extreme pressure.
Source: Blaurock / HZDR

Research team uses laser flashes to simulate the interior of ice planets – and spurs a new process for producing miniscule diamonds...

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Deep Oceans Dissolve the Rocky Shell of Water-Ice Planets

Cut-away diagram of a water-rich sub-Neptune exo-planet highlighting, in orange color, the interaction region between a deep H2O layer and the underlying rocky mantle
S. Speziale/ GFZ

Laboratory experiments allow insights into the processes under the extreme pressure and temperature conditions of distant worlds. What is happening deep beneath the surface of ice planets? Is there liquid water, and if so, how does it interact with the planetary rocky “seafloor”? New experiments show that on water-ice planets between the size of our Earth and up to six times this size, water selectively leaches magnesium from typical rock minerals...

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