IGF-1 tagged posts

Autism Gene Study finds Widespread Impact to Brain’s Growth Signaling Network

A side-by-side look at the brains of a normal newborn mouse and one lacking the autism and intellectual disability risk gene Dyrk1a. Mice without the gene display profound microcephaly, along with undergrowth of pyramidal neurons in the cerebral cortex. (Image courtesy of the Page laboratory at Scripps Research.)

Mutations to Dyrk1a gene lead to brain undergrowth; an existing drug rescues the condition in newborn mice. Damage to the autism-associated gene Dyrk1a, sets off a cascade of problems in developing mouse brains, resulting in abnormal growth-factor signaling, undergrowth of neurons, smaller-than-average brain size, and, eventually, autism-like behaviors, a new study from Scripps Research, Florida, finds.

The study from neuroscientist Damon Page, PhD, describes a new mechanis...

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Potential Arthritis Treatment Prevents Cartilage Breakdown

Six days after treatment with IGF-1 carried by dendrimer nanoparticles (blue), the particles have penetrated through the cartilage of the knee joint.
Credit: Brett Geiger and Jeff Wyckoff

Injectable material made of nanoscale particles can deliver arthritis drugs throughout cartilage. In an advance that could improve the treatment options available for osteoarthritis, engineers have designed a new material that can administer drugs directly to the cartilage. The material can penetrate deep into the cartilage, delivering drugs that could potentially heal damaged tissue.

“This is a way to get directly to the cells that are experiencing the damage, and introduce different kinds of therapeutics that might change their behavior,” says Paula Hammond, head of MIT’s Department of Chemical Engineeri...

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Mini-brain model of Idiopathic Autism reveals underlying Pathology of Neuronal Overgrowth

This image shows induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells after neuronal differentiation. The neurons express a pan neuronal marker Map2 in green and a percentage of the cells express a marker for inhibitory neurons, GABA, in red. The cells' nuclei are stained blue. Credit: UC San Diego Health

This image shows induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells after neuronal differentiation. The neurons express a pan neuronal marker Map2 in green and a percentage of the cells express a marker for inhibitory neurons, GABA, in red. The cells’ nuclei are stained blue. Credit: UC San Diego Health

The vast majority of cases of ASD are idiopathic (cause unknown). Researchers have created a “mini-brain” model, derived from persons with a particular form of idiopathic ASD characterized by over-sized brains, revealing a defective molecular pathway during brain development that results in early neuronal overgrowth and dysfunctional cortical networks...

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New Neurons reveal Clues about an Individual’s Autism

Salk researchers have turned the skin cells of people with autism spectrum disorder into neurons. These cells show specific defects compared with those neurons derived from healthy people, including diminished ability to form excitatory connections with other neurons (indicated by red and green dots in the neuron). Credit: Salk Institute

Salk researchers have turned the skin cells of people with autism spectrum disorder into neurons. These cells show specific defects compared with those neurons derived from healthy people, including diminished ability to form excitatory connections with other neurons (indicated by red and green dots in the neuron). Credit: Salk Institute

The brains of some people with autism spectrum disorder grow faster than usual early on in life, often before diagnosis. A new study co-led by Salk Institute scientists has employed a cutting-edge stem cell technique to unravel the mechanisms driving the mysterious phenomenon of excess brain growth, which affects as many as 30% of people with autism...

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