immune system destroys retinal cells tagged posts

Glaucoma may be an Autoimmune Disease

HSP-specific T cells infiltrate the retinas and augment glaucomatous neurodegeneration

HSP-specific T cells infiltrate the retinas and augment glaucomatous neurodegeneration

Unexpected findings show that the body’s own immune system destroys retinal cells. A new study from MIT and Massachusetts Eye and Ear has found that glaucoma may in fact be an autoimmune disorder. In a study of mice, the researchers showed that the body’s own T cells are responsible for the progressive retinal degeneration seen in glaucoma. Furthermore, these T cells appear to be primed to attack retinal neurons as the result of previous interactions with bacteria that normally live in our body.

The discovery suggests that it could be possible to develop new treatments for glaucoma by blocking this autoimmune activity, the researchers say...

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