Immune system-stimulating treatments tagged posts

Use of Immunotherapy to Treat Aggressive Colon Tumors

The image shows a metastatic colon tumour infiltrated by the immune system (brown) after combined treatment with the TGF-beta inhibitor and immunotherapy. (Author: Daniele Tauriello, IRB Barcelona)

The image shows a metastatic colon tumour infiltrated by the immune system (brown) after combined treatment with the TGF-beta inhibitor and immunotherapy. (Author: Daniele Tauriello, IRB Barcelona)

Immune system-stimulating treatments combined with a TGF-beta inhibitor are effective against colon cancer. Researchers have developed a mouse model that mimics advanced human colon cancer. This model has allowed them to study the immune system response for the first time. In a short space of time, immunotherapy, that is to say therapies based on stimulating the immune system against cancer cells, has become a powerful approach to treat cancers such as melanoma and lung cancer. However, to date, most colon tumours appeared to be unresponsive to this kind of therapy...

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