increased risk of Cardiovascular disease tagged posts

Patients receiving Low Dose Steroid at increased risk of Cardiovascular disease, study suggests

Study suggests patients receiving low dose steroid at increased risk of cardiovascular  disease - health - Hindustan Times

Medication used to treat a range of inflammatory diseases may be less safe than previously thought. Glucocorticoids are steroids widely prescribed to treat a range of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. While high doses of steroids are known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, the impact of lower doses is unknown. A study published in PLOS Medcine by Mar Pujades-Rodriguez at Leeds University and colleagues suggests that even low doses of glucocorticoid may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

To quantify glucocorticoid dose-dependent cardiovascular risk, researchers analyzed medical records of 87,794 patients diagnosed with 6 different immune-mediate inflammatory diseases receiving care from 389 United Kingdom primary care clinics in 1998-2017...

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