inflammatory reaction tagged posts

Cardiovascular disease: The Immune response to Heart Attacks

Clusters of B (red) and T (green) lymphocytes in pericardial adipose tissue. Fat-laden cells and connective tissue are stained blue. (Mariaelvy Bianchini; Michael Horckmans/LMU)

Clusters of B (red) and T (green) lymphocytes in pericardial adipose tissue. Fat-laden cells and connective tissue are stained blue. (Mariaelvy Bianchini; Michael Horckmans/LMU)

The damage caused by a heart attack triggers an inflammatory reaction which degrades the affected tissue. This response is orchestrated by immune cells that reside in the nearby pericardial adipose tissue, as a study by a team of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich shows. Following a heart attack, the innate immune system must kick in fast in order to limit the damage and stimulate tissue repair...

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