inhibiting EZH2/1 suppressed viral infection tagged posts

Herpesvirus study in mice leads to discovery of potential Broad-Spectrum antiviral

Image: The spread of herpes simplex virus infection (green, left) is suppressed in cells treated with EZH2/1 inhibitors (GSK126 or GSK343). Credit: NIAID

Image: The spread of herpes simplex virus infection (green, left) is suppressed in cells treated with EZH2/1 inhibitors (GSK126 or GSK343). Credit: NIAID

After herpesviruses infect a cell, their genomes are assembled into specialized protein structures called nucelosomes. Many cellular enzyme complexes can modulate these structures to either promote or inhibit the progression of infection. Scientists studying how one of these complexes (EZH2/1) regulated herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection unexpectedly found that inhibiting EZH2/1 suppressed viral infection...

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