Innovative Fabric tagged posts

Innovative Fabric enables Digital Communication between Wearers, Nearby Devices

Innovative fabric enables digital communication between wearers, nearby devices
Assistant Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Peter Tseng and Amir Hossein Haji Aghajani Memar Doctoral Student. Credit: Steve Zylius/UCI

Imagine your car starting the moment you get in because it recognizes the jacket you’re wearing. Consider the value of a hospital gown that continuously measures and transmits a patient’s vital signs. These are just two applications made possible by a new “body area network”-enabling fabric invented by engineers at the University of California, Irvine.

In a paper published recently in Nature Electronics, researchers in UCI’s Henry Samueli School of Engineering detail how they integrated advanced metamaterials into flexible textiles to create a system capable of battery-free communication between articles of clothing and nearby de...

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