intelligence tagged posts

A Person’s Intelligence Limits their Computer Proficiency More than Previously Thought, say Researchers

man and computer
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

A new study has found that intelligence, in the form of general cognitive abilities such as perception, thinking and remembering, is more important than hitherto thought at predicting a person’s ability to complete common tasks with a PC. The study was published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies in August 2024.

“Our research findings are the first clear proof that cognitive abilities have a significant, independent and wide-ranging effect on people’s ability to use a computer. Contrary to what was previously thought, cognitive abilities are as important as previous experience of computer use,” says Aalto University’s Professor Antti Oulasvirta, who studied human-computer interaction extensively with his team.

The findings ha...

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Smarter Brains run on Sparsely Connected Neurons

Erhan Genc investigates how intelligence is reflected in brain structures. Credit: RUB, Kramer

Erhan Genc investigates how intelligence is reflected in brain structures. Credit: RUB, Kramer

The more intelligent a person, the fewer connections there are between the neurons in his or her cerebral cortex. This is the result of a study conducted by neuroscientists working with Dr Erhan Genç and Christoph Fraenz at Ruhr-Universität Bochum; the study was performed using a specific neuroimaging technique that provides insights into the wiring of the brain on a microstructural level...

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Mental Abilities are Shaped by Individual Differences in the Brain

MRI image of brain (stock image). Postdoctoral researcher Patrick Watson studied the relationship between individual brain differences and cognitive abilities. Credit: © highwaystarz / Fotolia

MRI image of brain (stock image). Postdoctoral researcher Patrick Watson studied the relationship between individual brain differences and cognitive abilities. Credit: © highwaystarz / Fotolia

Everyone has a different mixture of personality traits: some are outgoing, some are tough and some are anxious. A new study suggests brains also have different traits that affect both anatomical and cognitive factors, such as intelligence and memory. “A major focus of research in cognitive neuroscience is understanding how intelligence is shaped by individual differences in brain structure and function,” said Prof. Aron K. Barbey.

Barbey and his team measured the size and shape of features all over the brain...

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