Interstellar molecular clouds tagged posts

Star-forming Flaments

A false-color image map of the gas density in the Musca star-forming filament (the highest densities are shown in red). New theoretical work on the structure of these long filaments proposes several kinds of star-forming zones along the length and successfully reproduces many of the features seen in filaments like this one in Musca. Kainulainen, 2016

A false-color image map of the gas density in the Musca star-forming filament (the highest densities are shown in red). New theoretical work on the structure of these long filaments proposes several kinds of star-forming zones along the length and successfully reproduces many of the features seen in filaments like this one in Musca. Kainulainen, 2016

Interstellar molecular clouds are often seen to be elongated and “filamentary” in shape, and come in a wide range of sizes. In molecular clouds, where stars form, the filamentary structure is thought to play an important role in star formation as the matter collapses to form protostars...

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