Interstellar Space tagged posts

First ever Free-Floating Black Hole found Roaming through Interstellar Space

HST image in the F814W (I-band) filter of an 800 ×800 region centered on MOA-11-191/OGLE-11-0462, obtained at our final epoch in 2017 August. North is at the top, east on the left. Encircled in green is the source star, now returned to baseline luminosity. The site is resolved into the source, a much brighter neighboring star 0.004 to the WNW, and several nearby fainter stars. The inner cyan circle has a diameter of 100, corresponding to the typical best seeing in ground-based microlensing survey images; the outer cyan circle’s diameter is 200, which is not unusual seeing. The source, bright neighbor, and several fainter stars are generally blended in ground-based frames, and the blending increases with seeing. Credit:

An international team of re...

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