ion pump tagged posts

Bioelectronics at the Speed of Life

DanielSimon and Theresia Arbring Sjöström. Credit: Image courtesy of Linköping Universitet

DanielSimon and Theresia Arbring Sjöström. Credit: Image courtesy of Linköping Universitet

With a microfabricated ion pump built from organic electronic components, ions can be sent to nerve or muscle cells at the speed of the nervous system and with a precision of a single cell. “Now we can start to develop components that speak the body’s own language,” says Daniel Simon, Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Linköping University. Certain substances, such as GABA, are important signal substances throughout the CNS. 18 months ago, researchers at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics demonstrated an ion pump which researchers at the Karolinska Institutet could use to reduce the sensation of pain in awake, freely-moving rats. The ion pump delivered GABA directly to the rat´s spinal cord.

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