IRAS 14568-6304 tagged posts

A golden veil cloaks a Newborn Star: IRAS 14568-6304 Ejects Gas across 180 light years

A golden veil cloaks a newborn star

Young star IRAS 14568-6304 is ejecting gas at supersonic speeds and eventually will have cleared a hole in the cloud ESA/Hubble & NASA Acknowledgements: R. Sahai (Jet Propulsion Credit: Laboratory), S. Meunier

This young star is breaking out. Like a hatchling pecking through its shell, this particular stellar newborn is forcing its way out into the surrounding Universe. The golden veil of light cloaks a young stellar object, IRAS 14568-6304. It is ejecting gas at supersonic speeds and eventually will have cleared a hole in the cloud, allowing it to be easily visible to the outside Universe.

Stars are born deep in dense clouds of dust and gas. This particular cloud is known as the Circinus molecular cloud complex. It is 2280 light-years away and stretches across 180 light-years of space...

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