iron-doped ferromagnetic semiconductors tagged posts

Best of both worlds: Ferromagnetism and Semiconductor for Spintronics

Ferromagnetism and semiconductor spintronics offer new opportunities for improving electronics. Credit: The Story Laboratory, LLC

Ferromagnetism and semiconductor spintronics offer new opportunities for improving electronics. Credit: The Story Laboratory, LLC

More, faster, better, cheaper. These are the demands of our device-happy and data-centered world. Meeting these demands requires technologies for processing and storing information. Now, a significant obstacle to the development of next-generation device technologies appears to have been overcome. The team is the first to report growing iron-doped ferromagnetic semiconductors working at room temperature – a longstanding physical constraint. Ferromagnetic semiconductors are valued for their potential to enhance device functionality by utilizing the spin degrees of freedom of electrons in semiconductor devices.

“Bridging semiconductor and magnetism is desirable be...

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