isotopes tagged posts

New Nuclei can help Shape our Understanding of Fundamental Science on Earth and in the Cosmos

In making the new isotopes, reported in the journal Physical Review Letters, scientists are a step closer to being able to more directly probe natural processes that make new elements in stars. The new isotopes also can help inform and refine our understanding of fundamental nuclear physics. Credit: FRIB/MSU

In creating five new isotopes, an international research team working at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, or FRIB, at Michigan State University has brought the stars closer to Earth.

The isotopes — known as thulium-182, thulium-183, ytterbium-186, ytterbium-187 and lutetium-190 — were reported Feb.

15 in the journal Physical Review Letters.

These represent the first batch of new isotopes made at FRIB, a user facility for the U.S...

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Deep Mantle Krypton reveals Earth’s Outer Solar System Ancestry

Artist’s impression of planets forming around a young star. New, very precise measurements of krypton isotopes from deep in the Earth show that water, carbon and other volatile materials were incorporated into the Earth earlier than previously thought. (European Southern Observatory)

Krypton from the Earth’s mantle, collected from geologic hot spots in Iceland and the Galapagos Islands, reveals a clearer picture of how our planet formed, according to new research from the University of California, Davis.

The different isotopes of krypton are chemical fingerprints for scientists sleuthing out the ingredients that made the Earth, such as solar wind particles and meteorites from the inner and outer solar system...

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