JD1 tagged posts

Astrophysicists confirm the Faintest Galaxy ever seen in the Early Universe

Guido Roberts-Borsani/UCLA); original images: NASA, ESA, CSA, Swinburne University of Technology, University of Pittsburgh, STScI

An international research team led by UCLA astrophysicists has confirmed the existence of the faintest galaxy ever seen in the early universe. The galaxy, called JD1, is one of the most distant identified to date, and it is typical of the kinds of galaxies that burned through the fog of hydrogen atoms left over from the Big Bang, letting light shine through the universe and shaping it into what exists today.

The discovery was made using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, and the findings are published in the journal Nature.

The first billion years of the universe’s life were a crucial period in its evolution. After the Big Bang, approximately 13...

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