Keck-I telescope of the W.M. Keck Observatory tagged posts

Team makes Planet Hunting a group effort, finds more than 100 candidates

This is an artist's conceptions of the probable planet orbiting a star called GJ 411. Credit: Courtesy of Ricardo Ramirez

This is an artist’s conceptions of the probable planet orbiting a star called GJ 411. Credit: Courtesy of Ricardo Ramirez

An international team of astronomers released the largest-ever compilation of exoplanet-detecting observations made using a radial velocity method. They demonstrated how these observations can be used to hunt for planets by detecting more than 100 potential exoplanets, including one orbiting the 4th -closest star to our own Solar System, ~8.1 light years away from Earth. The radial velocity method is one of the most successful techniques for finding and confirming planets. It takes advantage of the fact that in addition to a planet being influenced by the gravity of the star it orbits, the planet’s gravity also affects the star...

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