Lasers + Anti-lasers tagged posts

Lasers + Anti-lasers: Marriage opens door to Development of Single Device with Exceptional Optical Capabilities

Schematics above show light input (green) entering opposite ends of a single device. When the phase of light input 1 is faster than that of input 2 (left panel), the gain medium dominates, resulting in coherent amplification of the light, or a lasing mode. When the phase of light input 1 is slower than input 2 (right panel), the loss medium dominates, leading to coherent absorption of the input light beams, or an anti-lasing mode. (Credit: Zi Jing Wong/UC Berkeley)

Scanning electron microscope image of the single device capable of lasing and anti-lasing. Indium gallium arsenide phosphide (InGaAsP) material functions as the gain medium, while the chromium (Cr) and germanium (Ge) structures introduce the right amount of loss to satisfy the condition of parity-time symmetry that is required for lasing and anti-lasing. (Credit: Zi Jing Wong/UC Berkeley)(From left) Berkeley researchers Xiang Zhang, Zi Jing Wong, Jeongmin Kim and Yuan Wang stand next to the optical setup they designed to demonstrate both lasing and anti-lasing in a single device. (Credit: Marilyn Chung/Berkeley Lab)

  1. Schematics above show light input (green) entering opposite ends of a single device. When the phase of light input 1 is faster than that of input 2 (left panel), the gain medium dominates, resulting in coherent amplification of the light, or a lasing mode. When the phase of light input 1 is slower than input 2 (right panel), the loss medium dominates, leading to coherent absorption of the input light beams, or an anti-lasing mode. (Credit: Zi Jing Wong/UC Berkeley)
  2. Scanning electron microscope image of the single device capable of lasing and anti-lasing...
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