lead nuclei tagged posts

CERN has recreated Universe’s Primordial Soup in Miniature format

The figure shows how a small, elongated drop of quark-gluon plasma is formed when two atomic nuclei hit each other a bit off center. The angular distribution of the emitted particles makes it possible to determine the properties of the quark-gluon plasma, including the viscosity. Credit: State University of New York

The figure shows how a small, elongated drop of quark-gluon plasma is formed when two atomic nuclei hit each other a bit off center. The angular distribution of the emitted particles makes it possible to determine the properties of the quark-gluon plasma, including the viscosity. Credit: State University of New York

Researchers collided lead atoms with extremely high energy in the 27 km long particle accelerator. The primordial soup is a quark-gluon plasma and researchers have measured its liquid properties with great accuracy at the LHC’s top energy. A few billionths of a second after the Big Bang, the universe was made up extremely hot and dense primordial soup of quarks and gluons. By colliding lead nuclei at a record-high 5...

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