lectronically barcoding microparticles tagged posts

Lab on a Chip could Monitor Health, Germs and Pollutants

Photo: Ella Marushchenko and Alexander Tokarev/Ella Maru Studios An artists' rendition of microparticles flowing through a channel and passing through electric fields, where they are detected electronically and barcode-scanned.

Photo: An artists’ rendition of microparticles flowing through a channel and passing through electric fields, where they are detected electronically and barcode-scanned. Ella Marushchenko and Alexander Tokarev/Ella Maru Studios

Rutgers researchers invent technology that could lead to wearable biosensors. Imagine wearing a device that continuously analyzes your sweat or blood for different types of biomarkers, such as proteins that show you may have breast cancer or lung cancer, exposure to dangerous bacteria, viruses and pollutants.

“This is really important in the context of personalized medicine or personalized health monitoring,” said Mehdi Javanmard, an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rutgers University-New Brunswick...

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