Lentiviruses tagged posts

Designer Nanoparticles Destroy a Broad Array of Viruses: Computational modeling key in design

A molecular dynamics model showing a nanoparticle binding to the outer envelope of the human papillomavirus. Credit: Petr Kral

A molecular dynamics model showing a nanoparticle binding to the outer envelope of the human papillomavirus. Credit: Petr Kral

Now, an international group of researchers including UIC professor of chemistry Petr Kral, have designed new anti-viral nanoparticles that bind to a range of viruses, including herpes simplex virus, human papillomavirus, respiratory syncytial virus and Dengue and Lentiviruses. Unlike other broad-spectrum antivirals, which simply prevent viruses from infecting cells, the new nanoparticles destroy viruses.

The new nanoparticles mimic a cell surface protein called heparin sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG). A significant portion of viruses, including HIV, enter and infect healthy cells by first binding to HSPGs on the cell surface...

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