Li10Ge1P2S12 or LGPS tagged posts

A Long-lasting, Stable Solid-State Lithium Battery

The first electrolyte (green) is more stable with lithium but prone to dendrite penetration. The second electrolyte, (brown) is less stable with lithium but appears immune to dendrites. In this design, dendrites are allowed to grow through the graphite and first electrolyte but are stopped when they reach the second. (Image courtesy of Second Bay Studios/Harvard SEAS)

Researchers demonstrate a solution to a 40-year problem. A stable, lithium-metal solid state battery has been designed that can be charged and discharged at least 10000X — far more cycles than have been previously demonstrated — at a high current density. The battery technology could increase the lifetime of electric vehicles to that of the gasoline cars — 10 to 15 years — without the need to replace the battery...

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