light from the explosion’s first hours tagged posts

Newly discovered Supernova Complicates Origin Story Theories

Six images showing the host galaxy of the newly discovered supernova ASASSN-18bt. The top row shows three images from before the explosion taken by Pan-STARRS, ASAS-SN, and Kepler. The bottom row shows images from ASAS-SN and Kepler after the supernova was visible. The discovery image from the ASAS-SN team is in the bottom middle. To its left is a version with all the surrounding stars eliminated, showing only the new supernova's light output. On the bottom right is a Kepler image from after the supernova was detected. Kepler's precision was crucial to understanding the light from ASASSN_18bt in the early hours after the explosion. Credit: The All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) project, the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS), and the NASA Kepler space telescope

Six images showing the host galaxy of the newly discovered supernova ASASSN-18bt. The top row shows three images from before the explosion taken by Pan-STARRS, ASAS-SN, and Kepler. The bottom row shows images from ASAS-SN and Kepler after the supernova was visible. The discovery image from the ASAS-SN team is in the bottom middle. To its left is a version with all the surrounding stars eliminated, showing only the new supernova’s light output. On the bottom right is a Kepler image from after the supernova was detected. Kepler’s precision was crucial to understanding the light from ASASSN_18bt in the early hours after the explosion...

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