light-inducible antimiRs tagged posts

New Hope for Slow-Healing Wounds

Efficient miR-92a downregulation in the skin upon treatment with caged antimiR-92a.

Efficient miR-92a downregulation in the skin upon treatment with caged antimiR-92a.

MicroRNAs are interesting target structures for new therapeutic agents. They can be blocked through synthetic antimiRs. However, to date it was not possible to use these only locally. Researchers at Goethe University Frankfurt have now successfully achieved this in the treatment of impaired wound healing with the help of light-inducible antimiRs.

MicroRNAs are small gene fragments which bond onto target structures in cells and in this way prevent certain proteins from forming. As they play a key role in the occurrence and manifestation of various diseases, researchers have developed what are known as antimiRs, which block microRNA function...

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