Limit to Human Endurance tagged posts

Is there a Limit to Human Endurance? Science says yes

New study reveals how hard humans can push and still keep it up without breaking down. Photo By: Cpl. Shaltiel Dominguez

Some say the breaking point is all in your head, but new research suggests it’s also in your gut. From the Ironman triathlon to the Tour de France, some competitions test the limits of even the toughest endurance athletes. Now, a new study of energy expenditure during some of the world’s longest, most grueling sporting events suggests that no matter what the activity, everyone hits the same metabolic limit – a maximum possible level of exertion that humans can sustain in the long term.

When it comes to physical activities lasting days, weeks and months, the researchers found, humans can only burn calories at 2.5 times their resting metabolic rate.

Not even ...

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