limonene and CO2 tagged posts

When Life gives you Lemons, make Bioplastics

A sequential and mild approach toward the synthesis of poly(limonene)dicarbonate (PLDC) has been developed using readily available limonene oxide (LO) and CO2 as renewable reagents and an air-stable Al(III) complex as catalyst for the alkene-rich poly(limonene)carbonate (PLC).

A sequential and mild approach toward the synthesis of poly(limonene)dicarbonate (PLDC) has been developed using readily available limonene oxide (LO) and CO2 as renewable reagents and an air-stable Al(III) complex as catalyst for the alkene-rich poly(limonene)carbonate (PLC).

From your phone case to airplane windows, polycarbonates are everywhere. Several million tons of polycarbonate are produced every year around the world. However, worries about the dangers of this material are increasing because of the toxicity of its precursors, especially bisphenol-A, a potential potential endocrine-disruptor, neurotoxic, and carcinogen...

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