Local Realism tagged posts

Random number generators played a critical role in an historic experiment

Artistic Impression of the Entanglement of electrons

Artistic Impression of the Entanglement of electrons

>> Refutes Einstein’s ‘God does not play dice’ with quantum ‘dice’ ie it gives the strongest refutation to date of his principle of ‘local realism,’ which says that the universe obeys laws, not chance, and that there is no communication faster than light. As described in Hanson’s group web the Delft experiment first “entangled” 2 electrons trapped inside 2 different diamond crystals, and then measured the electrons’ orientations. In quantum theory entanglement is powerful and mysterious: mathematically the 2 electrons are described by a single “wave-function” that only specifies whether they agree or disagree, not which direction either spin points. In a mathematical sense, they lose their identities...

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