Logical Magic State tagged posts

A Logical Magic State with Fidelity beyond Distillation Threshold realized on Superconducting Quantum Processor

Experimental results of the prepared different logical states. (a) Logical state fidelity with post-selection in Bloch sphere. The fidelity of the preparation of different logical states is represented as a circle, which is divided into multiple annular sectors, each representing a point on the Bloch sphere, with the radial direction representing the polar angle θ and the tangential direction representing the azimuthal angle φ. The obtained average logical fidelity is 0.8983. (b) Logical measurement results of X ̂_L, Y ̂_L, Z ̂_L as a function of polar angle θ or azimuthal angle φ. The colored dashed curves are the result of fitting with trigonometric function.

Quantum computers have the potential to outperform conventional computers on some tasks, including complex optimization...

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