lossless electricity transmission tagged posts

Transforming Highways for High-Speed Travel and Energy Transport

Schematic illustration of the superconducting highway for energy transport and storage and superconductor levitation for the transport of people and goods. Credit: Vakaliuk et al.
Schematic illustration of the superconducting highway for energy transport and storage and superconductor levitation for the transport of people and goods. Credit: Vakaliuk et al.

Revolutionary design could combine superconductor levitation, lossless electricity transmission, and liquid hydrogen transportation into one system. Superconductors can conduct electricity without any resistance or power loss, and they can effortlessly cause magnets to levitate above them. These properties would make superconductors useful for high-speed trains or long-distance power transmission, except for one glaring problem: superconductors only work at low temperatures, more than a hundred degrees below zero.

This one requirement makes building a hyperefficient electrical grid or high-speed rail netwo...

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