low-cost lightweight microsatellites tagged posts

World’s 1st Demonstration of Space Quantum Communication using a Microsatellite

Fig. 2. Outline of the microsatellite SOCRATES and the NICT optical ground station located in Koganei city.

Outline of the microsatellite SOCRATES and the NICT optical ground station located in Koganei city. a. Picture of the lasercom terminal SOTA. b. Polarization states that encode the bits of the transmitted information. c. Optical ground station. d. Configuration diagram of the quantum receiver.

Big step toward building a truly-secure global communication network. The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT, President: Hideyuki Tokuda, Ph.D.) developed the world’s smallest and lightest quantum-communication transmitter (SOTA) onboard the microsatellite SOCRATES...

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