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New Phase of Carbon: Making diamonds at room temperature

This is a scanning electron microscopy image of microdiamonds made using the new technique.

This is a scanning electron microscopy image of microdiamonds made using the new technique.

Q-carbon is distinct from known phases of graphite and diamond. They have also developed a technique for using Q-carbon to make diamond-related structures at room temperature and at ambient atmospheric pressure in air. “We’ve now created a third solid phase of carbon,” says Prof. Jay Narayan. “The only place it may be found in the natural world would be possibly in the core of some planets.”

Q-carbon has some unusual characteristics
~It is ferromagnetic -other solid forms of carbon are not.
“We didn’t even think that was possible,” Narayan says.
~It is harder than diamond, and glows when exposed to even low levels of energy.
~”Q-carbon’s strength and low work-function – its willingness to release el...

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