lymphatic vessels tagged posts

Brain Discovery could Block Aging’s Terrible Toll on the Mind

Obstructing lymphatic vessels (in green) in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease significantly increased the accumulation of harmful plaques in the brain. "What was really interesting is that with the worsening pathology, it actually looks very similar to what we see in human samples in terms of all this aggregation of amyloid protein," said researcher Jonathan Kipnis, PhD. Credit: Courtesy Kipnis lab

Obstructing lymphatic vessels (in green) in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease significantly increased the accumulation of harmful plaques in the brain. “What was really interesting is that with the worsening pathology, it actually looks very similar to what we see in human samples in terms of all this aggregation of amyloid protein,” said researcher Jonathan Kipnis, PhD. Credit: Courtesy Kipnis lab

Faulty brain plumbing to blame in Alzheimer’s, age-related memory loss – and can be fixed. By improving the function of the lymphatic vessels, scientists at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have dramatically enhanced aged mice’s ability to learn and improved their memories...

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