M-dwarf tagged posts

Surprise finding suggests ‘Water Worlds’ are more Common than we thought

view of one hemisphere of Europa, a moon made of pale rock with orange streaks across surface
A new study suggests that many more planets in distant solar systems have large amounts of water than previously thought—as much as half water and half rock. The catch? It’s probably imbedded underground, as in Jupiter’s moon Europa, above.
Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/SETI Institute

Analysis finds evidence for many exoplanets made of water and rock around small stars. A new study suggests that many more planets may have large amounts of water than previously thought–as much as half water and half rock. The catch? All that water is probably embedded in the rock, rather than flowing as oceans or rivers on the surface.

Water is the one thing all life on Earth needs, and the cycle of rain to river to ocean to rain is an essential part of what keeps our planet’s climate stabl...

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An Earth-like Stellar Wind for Proxima Centauri c

An Earth-like stellar wind for Proxima Centauri c
An optical image of the starfield near Proxima Cen. The two bright stars are (left) Alpha and (right) Beta Centauri. Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Sun, is the faint red dot inside the red circle. A second planet, Proxima c, was recently discovered orbiting Proxima Cen every 5.3 years. Astronomers calculating the likely effects of the star’s wind on the planet conclude that a possible atmosphere would experience Earth-like conditions. Credit: Skatebiker

Proxima Centauri is the closest star to the Sun, and its planet, Proxima Cen b (“Proxima b”), lies in its habitable zone (the distance range within which surface water can be liquid), making the planet a prime target for exoplanet characterization. The star is an M-dwarf with a mass of only 0...

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