machine learning algorithm tagged posts

New Machine Learning Algorithm Promises Advances in Computing

Scientists are working toward deploying a new of edge computing  hardware.
Scientists are working toward deploying a new class of edge computing hardware.
Photo: Getty Images

Digital twin models may enhance future autonomous systems

Systems controlled by next-generation computing algorithms could give rise to better and more efficient machine learning products, a new study suggests.

Using machine learning tools to create a digital twin, or a virtual copy, of an electronic circuit that exhibits chaotic behavior, researchers found that they were successful at predicting how it would behave and using that information to control it.

Many everyday devices, like thermostats and cruise control, utilize linear controllers — which use simple rules to direct a system to a desired value...

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Novel AI Framework Generates Images from nothing

A new, potentially revolutionary artificial intelligence framework called “Blackout Diffusion” generates images from a completely empty picture, meaning that, unlike other generative diffusion models, the machine-learning algorithm does not require initiating a “random seed” to get started.

Blackout Diffusion, presented at the recent International Conference on Machine Learning, generates samples that are comparable to the current diffusion models, such as DALL-E or Midjourney but require fewer computational resources than these models.

“Generative modeling is bringing in the next industrial revolution with its capability to assist many tasks, such as generation of software code, legal documents, and even art,” said Javier Santos, an AI researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory a...

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Cosmic barbecue: Researchers spot 60 new ‘hot Jupiter’ candidates

The diagram above shows a hot Jupiter at various phases of its orbit. The sizes of the star and planet and the separations between them are to scale for a typical hot Jupiter. The amount of reflected starlight that is observed depends on the planet's position within its orbit and the inclination of the orbit with respect to the observer.

The diagram above shows a hot Jupiter at various phases of its orbit. The sizes of the star and planet and the separations between them are to scale for a typical hot Jupiter. The amount of reflected starlight that is observed depends on the planet’s position within its orbit and the inclination of the orbit with respect to the observer.

Yale researchers have identified 60 potential new “hot Jupiters” — highly irradiated worlds that glow like coals on a barbecue grill and are found orbiting only 1% of Sun-like stars. Hot Jupiters constitute a class of gas giant planets located so close to their parent stars that they take less than a week to complete an orbit. Second-year Ph.D...
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