Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex tagged posts

Manchester Astronomers Detect Precious Element 4000 light years from Earth

Manchester astronomers detect precious element in space

NASA’s Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex

The discovery, made using the largest antenna of NASA’s Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex (70m diameter), could help scientists to understand more about the history of this important element. Helium-3 is a gas that has the potential to be used as a fuel in nuclear fusion power plants in the future, and is crucial for use in cryogenics and medical imaging techniques. There is very little of it available on Earth, so most of it is manufactured in nuclear labs at great cost. There are thought to be significant supplies on the Moon, and several governments have signalled their intention to go to there to mine it, which could trigger a new space race.

The gas is produced in low mass stars, less than twice the mass of the Sun, which expel most...

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