magic angle graphene tagged posts

Superconductivity Switches On and Off in ‘Magic-Angle’ Gaphene

A unique device is made of sandwiched layers, with yellow and purple on top and blue on bottom. The middle layer is dark grey representing 2 layers of graphene, and the inset shows the graphene layers creating a moiré pattern. The device has a central rectangular shape with 7 more rectangular shapes emanating from it.
Caption:MIT physicists have found a new way to switch superconductivity on and off in magic-angle graphene. This figure shows a device with two graphene layers in the middle (in dark gray and in inset). The graphene layers are sandwiched in between boron nitride layers (in blue and purple). The angle and alignment of each layer enables the researchers to turn superconductivity on and off in graphene with a short electric pulse.
Credits:Credit: Courtesy of the researchers. Edited by MIT News.

A quick electric pulse completely flips the material’s electronic properties, opening a route to ultrafast, brain-inspired, superconducting electronics...

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