magnetic random access memories tagged posts

A New-Structure Magnetic Memory Device Developed

Schematics of structures for three kinds of spin-orbit-torque-induced magnetization scheme. (a) The first previous structure where the magnetization is perpendicular to the film plane. (b) The second previous structure where the magnetization is in-plane and orthogonal to channel current. (c) The new structure where the magnetization is in-plane and collinear with the current. Credit: Shunsuke Fukami

Schematics of structures for three kinds of spin-orbit-torque-induced magnetization scheme. (a) The first previous structure where the magnetization is perpendicular to the film plane. (b) The second previous structure where the magnetization is in-plane and orthogonal to channel current. (c) The new structure where the magnetization is in-plane and collinear with the current. Credit: Shunsuke Fukami

Researchers have developed a new-structure magnetic memory device utilizing spin-orbit- torque-induced magnetization switching. For these 2 decades, much effort has been devoted to the development of magnetic random access memories, which store information as the magnetization direction of a magnet...

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