Magnetically Controlled Soft Medical Robot tagged posts

Scientists develop Magnetically Controlled Soft Medical Robot inspired by the Pangolin

Pangolin the inspiration for medical robot
The pangolin-inspired untethered magnetic robot. A Conceptual illustration of the pangolin-inspired robot operating in the small intestine. Robot is actuated with a low-frequency magnetic field and heated remotely with a high-frequency magnetic field. The pangolin’s body consist of individual overlapping hard keratin scales. The robot inspired by this overlapping design is shown on the right. Images of pangolins used under Standard licence from Shutterstock. Credit: Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Tübingen

Pangolins are fascinating creatures. This animal looks like a walking pine cone, as it is the only mammal completely covered with hard scales. The scales are made of keratin, just like our hair and nails...

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