Magnetized Feet tagged posts

Quadruped Robot with Magnetized Feet can Climb on Metal Buildings and Structures

Quadruped robot with magnetized feet can climb on metal buildings and structures
MARVEL description. (A) MARVEL clinging to a steel storage tank. (B) MARVEL electronic architecture. (C) Mechanical and electronic components of MARVEL. Credit: Science Robotics (2022). DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.add1017

A trio of researchers at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, working with a colleague at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has designed and built a working quadruped robot with magnetized feet that can climb on the walls and ceilings of metal buildings and structures.

In their paper published in in the journal Science Robotics, Seungwoo Hong, Yong Um, Hae-Won Park and Jaejun Park describe their robot and how well it worked when tested under real world conditions.

As the technology used to build robots improves, engineers find more ways...

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