Maisie’s Galaxy tagged posts

Astronomers Confirm Maisie’s Galaxy is Among Earliest Ever Observed

Astronomers confirm Maisie's galaxy is among earliest ever observed
Spectroscopic observations reveal that Maisie’s galaxy, named after Steven Finkelstein’s daughter, was detected 390 million years after the Big Bang. That makes it one of the four earliest confirmed galaxies ever observed. Credit: NASA/STScI/CEERS/TACC/ University of Texas at Austin/S. Finkelstein/M. Bagley

Thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers racing to find some of the earliest galaxies ever glimpsed have now confirmed that a galaxy first detected last summer is in fact among the earliest ever found. The findings are published in the journal Nature.

Follow-up observations since first detection of Maisie’s galaxy have revealed that it is from 390 million years after the Big Bang...

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