making choices tagged posts

There’s more than Meets the Eye when making Choices, brain study shows

The significance of the dorsomedial PFC came as a surprise because of its relative neglect in the decision neuroscience literature. Credit: © raresb / Fotolia

The significance of the dorsomedial PFC came as a surprise because of its relative neglect in the decision neuroscience literature. Credit: © raresb / Fotolia

If you’re pondering whether to buy a Galaxy smartphone or iPhone this holiday season, the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (PFC) might ultimately determine your choice. Results of a new study suggest that this region of the brain plays a critical role in making choices.

“A big question is how and where value information is represented in the brain, and what goes into that representation,” says Dr. Fellows. “Our research confirmed what savvy marketers already know: the longer you look at one of two objects, the more likely you’ll choose that object even if you initially valued the other one more...

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