mantis shrimp-inspired camera tagged posts

Mantis Shrimp-inspired Camera enables Glimpse into Hidden World

Mantis Shrimp-inspired Camera enables Glimpse into Hidden World

Mantis Shrimp-inspired Camera enables Glimpse into Hidden World

By mimicking the eye of the mantis shrimp, Illinois researchers have developed an ultra-sensitive camera capable of sensing both color and polarization. The bioinspired imager can potentially improve early cancer detection and help provide a new understanding of underwater phenomena. “The animal kingdom is full of creatures with much more sensitive and sophisticated eyes than our own,” said Viktor Gruev , a University of Illinois professor of electrical and computer engineering and co-author of the new study. “These animals perceive natural phenomena that are invisible to humans.

“Polarization of light – that is, the direction of oscillation of light as it propagates in space – is one such example...

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