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Scientists Map Sulfur Residue on Jupiter’s icy moon Europa

Composite image of the surface of Jupiter’s fourth largest moon Europa
Courtesy of NASA SwRI scientists used Hubble Space Telescope to image the surface of Jupiter’s fourth largest moon Europa (shown lower right in this composite image) in the ultraviolet, mapping concentrations of sulfur dioxide on its surface that likely came from Io (above), Jupiter’s ultra-volcanic moon.

Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet data fills gap in observations. A Southwest Research Institute-led team used the Hubble Space Telescope to observe Jupiter’s moon, Europa, at ultraviolet wavelengths, filling in a “gap” in the various wavelengths used to observe this icy water world. The team’s near-global UV maps show concentrations of sulfur dioxide on Europa’s trailing side.

SwRI will further these studies using the Europa Ultraviolet Spectrograph (Europa-UVS), which will o...

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