Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) tagged posts

Remarkably Diverse Flora in Utah, USA, trains scientists for future missions on Mars

MDRS Expedition 143 Commander Paul Knightly walking through stands of Ericameria nauseosa and Epehdra viridis while wearing a simulated spacesuit. Credit: Paul C. Sokoloff; CC-BY 4.0

MDRS Expedition 143 Commander Paul Knightly walking through stands of Ericameria nauseosa and Epehdra viridis while wearing a simulated spacesuit. Credit: Paul C. Sokoloff; CC-BY 4.0

Future Martian explorers might not need to leave the Earth to prepare themselves for life on the Red Planet. The Mars Society have built an analogue research site in Utah, USA, which simulates the conditions on our neighbouring planet. Practicing the methods needed to collect biological samples while wearing spacesuits, a team of Canadian scientists have studied the diverse local flora...

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