Maximizing the Antioxidant Lutein tagged posts

Getting the most out of Spinach: Maximizing the Antioxidant Lutein

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Liberation of lutein from spinach: Effects of heating time, microwave-reheating and liquefaction. Food Chemistry, 2019; 277: 573 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.11.023

Eat your spinach in the form of a smoothie or juice Рthis is the best way to obtain the antioxidant lutein, according to research from Link̦ping University, Sweden. High levels of lutein are found in dark green vegetables, and researchers at the university have compared different ways of preparing fresh spinach in order to maximise the levels of lutein in finished food. The findings are published in the journal Food Chemistry.

Many people with atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries) have low-grade, chronic inflammation that can be measured in the blood...

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