MCG+07-33-027 tagged posts

Hubble Spots a Secluded Starburst Galaxy

A starburst galaxy on the left and a star in our own galaxy on the right

Starburst galaxy named MCG+07-33-027. The bright object to the right of the galaxy is a foreground star in our own galaxy.

This image was taken by Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and shows a starburst galaxy named MCG+07-33-027. This galaxy lies some 300 million light-years away from us, and is currently experiencing an extraordinarily high rate of star formation – a starburst. Normal galaxies produce only a couple of new stars per year, but starburst galaxies can produce a 100X more than that. As MCG+07-33-027 is seen face-on, the galaxy’s spiral arms and the bright star-forming regions within them are clearly visible and easy for astronomers to study.

In order to form newborn stars, the parent galaxy has to hold a large reservoir of gas, which is slowly depleted to spawn sta...

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