mechanism of Cas9 tagged posts

Catching CRISPR in Action: First all-atom Simulation of Genome Editing in action

A visual description of the CRISPR/Cas9 research explored by UNT researchers using TACC supercomputers. Simulations found that Cas9 produces staggered, "sticky" ends, which may make them easier to manipulate for future use. Credit: Jin Liu and Zhicheng Zuo, UNT

A visual description of the CRISPR/Cas9 research explored by UNT researchers using TACC supercomputers. Simulations found that Cas9 produces staggered, “sticky” ends, which may make them easier to manipulate for future use. Credit: Jin Liu and Zhicheng Zuo, UNT

The first all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of Cas9-catalyzed DNA cleavage in action has been performed. The simulations shed light on the process of Cas9 genome editing and helped resolve controversies about specific aspects of the cutting. Originally found as part of the immune system of the Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria, CRISPR associated protein 9 (CAS9), in its native state, recognizes foreign DNA sequences and disables them...

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