medial parietal lobe tagged posts

Researchers have Mapped out using MRI where Happiness Emerges in the Brain

Figure 1

Brain region significantly associated with the subjective happiness score. (Left) A statistical parametric map (p < 0.001, peak-level uncorrected for display purposes). The area is overlaid on the spatially normalized gray matter tissue probability map. The blue cross indicates the location of the peak voxel. The red-white color scale indicates the T-value. (Right) A scatter plot of the adjusted gray matter volume as a function of the subjective happiness score at the peak voxel.

The study paves the way for measuring happiness objectively – and also provides insights on a neurologically based way of being happy. Exercising, meditating, scouring self-help books… we go out of our way to be happy, but do we really know what happiness is?

Wataru Sato and his team at Kyoto University have f...

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