Melatonin tagged posts

Study links exposure to Nighttime Artificial Lights with Elevated Thyroid Cancer Risk

Credit: marekr from Pixabay

Study links exposure to nighttime artificial lights with elevated thyroid cancer risk. People living in regions with high levels of outdoor artificial light at night may face a higher risk of developing thyroid cancer. The finding comes from a study published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society.

Over the past century, nightscapes — especially in cities — have drastically changed due to the rapid growth of electric lighting. Also, epidemiological studies have reported an association between higher satellite-measured levels of nighttime light and elevated breast cancer risk...

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Melatonin helps Breast Cancer Drug Kill more Cancer Cells

Sustained release of melatonin: A novel approach in elevating efficacy of tamoxifen in breast cancer treatment

Sustained release of melatonin: A novel approach in elevating efficacy of tamoxifen in breast cancer treatment

Tiny bubbles filled with the sleep hormone melatonin can make breast cancer treatment more effective, which means people need a lower dose, giving them less severe side effects. The bubbles, called nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs), made tamoxifen stronger and help it kill cancer cells. The authors of the study, from Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in Iran, say using NLCs packed with melatonin could also help avoid the cancer cells growing resistant to the treatment, so it will remain effective.

More than 224,000 people were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012 in the US alone...

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Melatonin and mealtime: Common genetic difference could put some at greater risk of Diabetes

Distribution of the 40 nonsynonymous MT2 variants identified by exon resequencing.

Distribution of the 40 nonsynonymous MT2 variants identified by exon resequencing.

New light has been shed on why people who carry a common genetic melatonin receptor mutation may be more at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. By carefully studying healthy subjects, researchers were able to chart the effect of melatonin supplements on blood sugar control. Their results suggest that taking melatonin close to mealtimes may put people with a common genetic variant more at risk.

As many as 50% of people of European ancestry carry this genetic variation in MTNR1B, a gene that encodes a melatonin receptor...

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Melatonin and Multiple Sclerosis: Why MS Symptoms may Improve as the Days get Shorter

Highlights •Melatonin levels negatively correlate with multiple sclerosis relapses in humans •Melatonin treatment ameliorates pathology in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis •Melatonin blocks ROR-γt expression and Th17 differentiation •Melatonin boosts Tr1 development via Erk1/2 and ROR-α

Highlights •Melatonin levels negatively correlate with multiple sclerosis relapses in humans •Melatonin treatment ameliorates pathology in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis •Melatonin blocks ROR-γt expression and Th17 differentiation •Melatonin boosts Tr1 development via Erk1/2 and ROR-α

Researchers have found an explanation that could lead to a deeper understanding of multiple sclerosis and more targeted treatment options for patients. By first looking broadly at possible environmental factors and then deeply at preclinical models of MS, the research team found that melatonin – a hormone involved in regulating a person’s sleep-wake cycle – may influence MS disease activity.

Why do symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) seem to get better in the winter and worse in the summer? The...

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